28 Aug 2008

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

Nove cislo JSOT je online (1 September 2008; Vol. 33, No. 1)

Redeemed by His Love? The Characterization of Shechem in Genesis 34 Caroline BlythJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 2008;33 3-18

The Golden Calf Story: Constructively and Deconstructively Dmitri SlivniakJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 2008;33 19-38

An Ambiguous Ending: Dynastic Punishment in Kings and the Fate of the Davidides in 2 Kings 25.27-30 David JanzenJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 2008;33 39-58

The Silence of the Wives: Bakhtin's Monologism and Ezra 7—10 Christopher B. HaysJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 2008;33 59-80

'Strike his bone and his flesh': Reading Job from the Beginning David ShepherdJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 2008;33 81-97

Ezekiel's Visionary Call as Prologue: From Complexity and Changeability to Order and Stability? Kirsten NielsenJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 2008;33 99-114

Duping the Prophet: On (Amos 7.8b) and Amos's Visions Tzvi NovickJournal for the Study of the Old Testament 2008;33 115-128

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